RoboGene HDV RNA Quantification Kit 2.0

RoboGene HDV RNA Quantification Kit 2.0

  • CE-IvD certified on many real-time PCR devices
  • Referenced to the WHO 1st International Standard for HDV RNA
  • Most sensitive assay
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The RoboGene HDV RNA Quantification Kit 2.0 is intended for real-time PCR quantification of Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) RNA in human EDTA plasma or serum samples using the INSTANT Virus RNA/DNA Kit.

The assay is purposed for the clinical management of patients with chronic HDV infections in conjunction with symptoms and other laboratory markers of the disease.

This test is intended to assess viral response to antiviral treatment as measured by changes in plasma and serum HDV RNA levels. Additionally, in a course of antiviral therapy the probability of a sustained viral response can be judged.

The RoboGene HDV RNA Quantification Kit 2.0 is not intended for use as a screening test for the detection of HDV RNA in blood or blood products or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HDV infection.

low profile strips 0.1 ml (white) for LightCycler® 480 (Roche) and 7500 Fast (Applied Biosystems)

regular profile tubes 0.2 ml (clear) for Rotor-Gene® 3000/6000/Q (Corbett Research/Qiagen)

low profile strips 0.1 ml (white) for LightCycler® 480 (Roche) and 7500 Fast (Applied Biosystems)

regular profile tubes 0.2 ml (clear) for Rotor-Gene® 3000/6000/Q (Corbett Research/Qiagen)

Additional information

Additional information

RoboGene HDV RNA Quantification Kit 2.0

32 reactions, 96 reactions
